santa barbara chihuahua parade: “Whole Enchihuahua” Saturday April 27

santabarbara wholeenchihuahua

adopt a chihuahua for half price

if you live in santa barbara and surrounding areas and you love chihuahuas, then you can’t miss out on the “half off The Whole Enchihuahua” campaign put into action this weekend to help bring attention to the hundreds of Chihuahuas waiting for homes in local shelters.

The “Whole Enchihuahua” promotion, sponsored by the members of the Santa Barbara County Responsible Pet Ownership Alliance, draws public attention to this issue and to the availability of great companion dogs by offering half off the Whole Enchihuahua: an already spayed or neutered, vaccinated, loving family companion.

To kick off this campaign, the Alliance is sponsoring its first ever Chihuahua! Power Parade and Rally. Chihuahua and Chi mix owners are invited to grab their dogs and leashes and join other Chihuahua lovers at Center Court in the Paseo Nuevo Shopping Center, Santa Barbara, this Saturday, April 27th starting at 3PM.

Santa Barbara County owners of Chihuahuas and Chihuahua mixes will also be able to get their dogs spayed and neutered for free during the month of May. that’s right, we said “for free!” Wow! Isn’t this just fun, furry and fabulous?

if you don’t live in santa barbara and you want to adopt a chihuahua, you can check out these wonderful chihuahua rescue organizations. for more information, visit
