meet chico, a long-haired chihuahua that hails from manchester, new hampshire!

chico sniffing bigdog
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tan long haired chihuahua

“look mama, i’m famous!”

chico is an 11 year old long-haired chihuahua rescue that weighs a mere 2.5 lbs and hails from manchester, new hampshire.  in march, chico’s long-time “big dog” friend onyx passed away and chico misses her friendship deeply – that’s the two of them in the picture below.  aren’t they adorable!

chihuahua sniffing big dog

“r.i.p sweet onyx”

today we are proud to declare that little chico has achieved superstar status and has officially become a famous chihuahua!  congratulations stacey juza!

are you a proud chihuahua mama?  click here to submit your chihuahua’s picture!


1 Comment.

  • Kelly Wecksell
    August 14, 2016 7:19 pm

    Can I see more pics of Chico?? He looks EXACTLY like my long haired chihuahua Rocky!!!!

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