update on mimi, the chihuahua involved in florida sexual abuse case

chihuahua sexual abuser

i'm okay everyone

after speaking with the animal care professionals at the coral springs animal hospital in florida, famous chihuahua is happy to report that mimi, the innocent chihuahua that was sexually assaulted last week, is doing very well. the investigator behind the case has also stated that this is an ongoing criminal investigation, but rest assured little mimi is in good hands.

famous chihuahua had a genuine concern for mimi’s well-being after suffering through such trauma, so we felt it was important to look into the matter with the intention of informing concerned animal cruelty activists from around the globe that mimi is going to be okay and that justice is currently being served.

this case has stirred up a lot of controversy. tomas bautista, the florida man who has admitted to sexually abusing the chihuahua, is currently being held in the broward county jail for cruelty to animal’s, a felony. his status in the united states is that of an illegal alien and he is facing possible deportation.

in our research, famous chihuahua also discovered that only a month ago, a portland man was charged with sexually abusing a chihuahua after being caught on surveillance video. his name is gene fosdick, jr and he was charged with first-degree aggravated animal abuse and sexual assault of an animal. the chihuahua involved in this case is named peanut and belonged to fosdick himself! how is it that someone as deranged as this even owns a chihuahua?

with cases like this, there is now a growing concern over animal sexual abuse and the rate at which it is occurring, better yet, why it is even occurring to begin with. we can not ignore that it is happening and famous chihuahua want’s you to become aware and active in the prevention of animal cruelty.

people for the ethical treatment of animals (peta) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 2 million members and supporters.

peta focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry. they also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of beavers, birds, and other “pests” as well as cruelty to domesticated animals. it works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.

famous chihuahua encourages you to get on board with peta and support it’s cause. join famous chihuahua on facebook where you too can fight cruelty to animals by posting this purple ribbon to your wall and sharing with friends. together, we can make compassion for animals spread!



  • You stupid! I hope you die for doing that to an innocent chihuahua!!!!!

  • bless mimi <3, i'm glad she's okay xx
    i hope that jerk gets life in jail!

  • I think he is going to get off easy… He shouldn’t have his ass deported…. He should spend the rest of his life in prison…

  • So glad that Mimi is recovering well and that justice will be served to the very wrongful beings who pathetically consider animals inferior. Get well Mimi and God Bless you.

  • So happy to hear she is doing well. I would just love to give her a big kiss right on top of her little head. People are so against immigrant laws being upheld, but look what happens when they are not. If people are in this country illegally then they are apparently not honest and will continue to do illegal things such as this!!

  • I’m glad she is going to be ok…..people can be so disgusting!! What is wrong with them????

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