chihuahua newsFebruary 6, 2011taco the “cheesehead” chihuahua, the world’s smallest packers fan!
chihuahua newschihuahua shoppingFebruary 3, 2011order a famous chihuahua dog shirt! make YOUR chihuahua famous!
chihuahua newsJanuary 21, 2011a brave four pound chihuahua survives dreadful owl attack in
chihuahua newsJanuary 20, 2011stolen chihuahua! have you seen this chihuahua? $500 return reward!
chihuahua newsnew yearsJanuary 1, 2011felice anno nuovo! happy new year from teaka the famous chihuahua!
chihuahua newschristmasDecember 29, 2010.. and our christmas chihuahua contest winner is curious chihuahua!
chihuahua newschristmasDecember 24, 2010ho! ho! ho! merry christmas all from teaka the famous chihuahua!
chihuahua newsDecember 2, 2010momo the chihuahua, japan’s newest police search rescue
chihuahua newshalloweenNovember 2, 2010.. and our halloween costume contest winner is chihuahua lady gaga!