featured chihuahuasFebruary 8, 2013meet mademoiselle ‘ruby’ peanut surprise, the manhattan chihuahua!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasFebruary 1, 2013“meet dolly, puppy and teeko! … the three amigo rescue chihuahuas!”Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasJanuary 15, 2013meet taco! the famous biker rescue chihuahua from kelowna, canada!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasJanuary 10, 2013meet sofia! ..this little rescue chihuahua came with life saving instincts!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasDecember 22, 2012meet coco, the lovable chihuahua that was rescued from a parking lot!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
christmasfeatured chihuahuasDecember 20, 2012meet ren, the rescue chihuahua who was a therapeutic gift of love!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
chihuahua memorialschihuahua newsfeatured chihuahuasNovember 24, 2012the amazing story of mia, the precious chihuahua born with cleft palateNadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasNovember 8, 2012the miraculous story of max, an amazing chihuahua born with scoliosisNadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasNovember 5, 2012juno the race car chihuahua is back and turning heads like never before!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com