featured chihuahuasNovember 10, 2009coco, the chihuahua puppy living the pampered lifeNadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasNovember 6, 2009rowrow, the affectionate long hair chihuahua princessNadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasOctober 27, 2009maya, the chihuahua mother that loves her belly rubsNadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasOctober 24, 2009the chihuahua that helped her mom fight breast cancerNadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasOctober 6, 2009little romeo, the chihuahua that chews on everything!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasOctober 2, 2009bella and tina, two canadian chihuahuas with spunk!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasSeptember 29, 2009little hannah, the chihuahua with a toe licking fettish!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasSeptember 25, 2009isabel, the baby chihuahua with ears you won’t forget!Nadiafamouschihuahua.com
featured chihuahuasSeptember 23, 2009lucy and lulu, 2 adorable chihuahuas from switzerlandNadiafamouschihuahua.com