chihuahua on xantax? is this advertisement cool? we didn’t think so?!?!?

chihuahua xantax

chihuahua on xantax?

famous chihuahua wasn’t sure of what to make of this veterinarian advertisement for xantax. either way, we are not happy about their approach to marketing and would like your feedback!



  • Very poor taste

  • I’ve been on prescription anti-depressants for years. No one keeps them in their purse. On top of that, they’re in a childproof container.

    I’m just offended.

  • Is it a way to remindering us that we have to keep our medication away from our furbabies like we do for our children?

  • wanda huddleston
    July 8, 2011 6:56 pm

    very poor taste…………..!!!!!!!!!!!

  • To me it shows how our medicines can hurt animals if they get into it. So we should keep prescription/OTC away from our furbabies

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