introducing peanut! … the star chihuahua from daytona beach, florida!

peanut the chihuahua

my family loves me!

“look mama! i’m famous!”

peanut is a handsome one year old short-haired chihuahua that belongs to amanda gray and her family.  he loves the outdoors and enjoys playing at the beach, going to dog parks and finds great joy in taking car rides.  he also loves to go to the pet store to pick out fabulous new dog shirts and fun plush dog toys, but the best thing about having peanut in the family is snuggle time with him on the couch! … he has so much personality and is loved to pieces!

congratulations amanda, your sweet little peanut is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua the next big thing? click here to submit your chihuahua picture!



  • peanut is every bit of the adorable little guy described in his bio. i am very lucky to be friends with this famous chihuahua…lovy you peanut…sandy b

  • yay for my famous little chi chi <3

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